Become A Dividends Volunteer

To volunteer at any SCPS school, including as field trip chaperones, you must be a registered Dividends Volunteer. Even if you have registered in the past, you must update your information each school year. Visit the Dividends Volunteer Program website for more information.
Join The PTA
Lawton's PTA is a big part of providing wonderful events and opportunities for our students and families.
Please visit the Lawton PTA Membership Hub at, and follow them on Facebook @twlawtonpta.
School Advisory Council
The purpose of the School Advisory Council (SAC) is to promote communication and understanding among the school's administration, faculty, students, the school board, the parents and the community. The Advisory Council is an elected body, but all parents and citizens residing in the attendance area of the school are encouraged to attend council meetings. This elected body is comprised of parents, instructional and non-instructional personnel and administration. If you are interested in SAC, contact Dr. Durias (Principal).
Community Outreach
Lawton Elementary has a program in place which addresses the needs of our families. The Lawton Angels program is designed to provide weekend food on a weekly basis for our families in need. We have several parent volunteers who help prepare close to 20 backpacks each week which go home with the children on Friday. The food is collected by our Student Council and Meet the Teacher events and is also donated by families, local churches, and community organizations. During the holiday season, the Lawton Angels work with local businesses and agencies in the community to ensure that all of our Lawton famillies will have a joyous season.
Lawton Elementary is fortunate to have the Lawton Angels caring for our students and their families. We have received feedback from our families regarding the impact this program has had on their lives and we are grateful for everyone who has contributed to its success.